ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ F R E E A D V E R T I S I N G O F F E R ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ If you run a computer related business, or a BBS, we would most appreciate your help in giving out copies of PC COMPLETE. You may wish to give out free copies to anyone who comes to your shop, or a copy with every purchase..etc. We thank both businesses and Sysops who take on PC COMPLETE, and in return we would like to offer you free advertising with PC COMPLETE. In this edition of PC COMPLETE (issues 1-2), we have implemented a special function, which is as follows: If a file called TELL.GIF (or TELL.PCX, or TELL.PIC) is found in the PC COMPLETE directory, it is displayed everytime the reader exits PC COMPLETE. If another file called TALK.DAT is found (no matter what it contains), the words "CALL US FOR MORE INFORMATION" is spoken through the PC speaker (if the sound option is on.) Simply create your ADD/MESSAGE with a graphics editor, and save it as one of the files mentioned above (in one of these formats: .GIF, .PCX, .PIC) and copy this file to the original, un-installed copy of PC COMPLETE. Your message could contain general information/location/phone no., BBS number and specialities, special offers for PC COMPLETE readers...etc. To create the second file, TALK.DAT, simply issue the command: ECHO PC COMPLETE > TALK.DAT , this will create a text file called TALK.DAT with the words PC COMPLETE, copy this file as well to the original disk containing the uninstalled version of PC COMPLETE. Obviously some sysops do not approve of commercial advertisement on their BBS's. So, if you wish to upload a copy of PC COMPLETE which includes an 'add', it is a good idea to ask the sysop before hand. And, obviously, sysops have the option to leave or delete the files TELL.XXX, and TALK.DAT. Do not attempt to copy these files to the installed version, and then archiving it etc... PC COMPLETE has been equipped to handle these files if they are included on the original disk (or a disk containing the uninstalled version), all you have to do is follow the instructions above. Now, you can give out copied of the un-installed version of PC COMPLETE to your costumers and acquain- tances, and as they give it to their friends, they will be distributing your advertisement/message along with it. This is our way of thanking you for helping us distribute PC COMPLETE. For advertising in future issues, please write to: PC COMPLETE (Collection office) P.O.BOX 168 New Lambton 2305, Australia